Why do we need protection from EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) and other electronic signals. Signals such as the signals transmitted in today’s cell phone applications.

I know that to many people, this may sound a little over the top and out of your comfort zone! I totally understand because I felt the same way the first time I heard about this. Sometimes, things we can’t see seem to be unimportant. Be that is not the case here! There are electronic fields in our atmosphere, emitting from our computers, tablets, and cell phones. We must take precautions!


The effects of EMF is various! I personally have numerous headaches for no reason that I could find! But I also sit in front of the computer everyday and talk on my cell phone! Since the cell towers have increased that power, and the effects of it can be substantial. By using these crystals, hologram cards, Bio-Arc Discs and other products we have found, you can protect yourself and your family from these dangerous fields.