Sports have always been a very important part of my family’s lives.  We bond and fight over football, basketball, golf, hockey; you name it, we’ve definitely participated!  We may not all be athletically inclined, but we definitely have our “Fan Game” going!  From the time we could run, push, pull, swim, jump or climb, we have competed with each other.  We make events out of the physical push we all have.  In our youth and later ages, we keep connected as long as possible.  We definitely cheer for our favorite teams, players and even travel to support them in their feats, fights and events.  You can have some incredible vacations that are planned around a sporting event for your favorite team.  We have traveled all over the country following out favorite team!  As we locate and find ways to improve and grow in Sports, we will add them here.

dronesDrones of All Types Novice and Pro:  Drones are definitely a new age toy!  Of course, not only are they used for entertainment.  Companies also use them to gather information by taking pictures and videos.  If you are looking for a Drone, for yourself or a gift – you need to see the options here.  We have access to the largest selection, with all the different available features and options.  From cameras, to speed, to incredible add-ons to make your Drone and Drone experiences to be even better!  See All Sizes and Types of Drones Here:

Epic Soccer Training – Improve Soccer Skills  How would you like to join the THOUSANDS of other soccersoccer training players around the world who are now striking the ball with more power? They are faking out defenders with ease and dribbling with great precision. The are also playing with more amazing soccer skills than they ever thought possible?

Vertical Jump Training: Vert Shock.  Okay, so I know this might sound crazy to you, and you’re probably pretty skeptical, but if you CLICK HERE,  I’m going to explain precisely how I, Adam Folker as well as Justin Darlington and so many of our athletes, have added up to 9 – 15 inches to our vertical jumps – not in months, but within days and weeks.